Once you have your kit arranged you need to work out your plan. This will depend on what you want out of the business and how much time you can commit. It’s important to work out what is possible from the time you have available and get as much assistance to maximize the return on your effort you commit to the opportunity with TechnoTan. 

Whether you are operating as stand-alone spray tan operator or adding the service alongside other services you offer the approach is the same – The more effort you commit to attracting new clients the bigger your spray tanning enterprise will grow.

 Your clients will come from: 

  • The people you know
  • The people your clients recommend from who they know
  •  The people you meet
  • The people who enquire from your direct marketing and social media

Let’s start with a list of all the people you know who would be interested in an introductory offer on a tan to help you get started – Even better offer an added bonus if they bring a couple of friends. Remember consistency is key here.